Booking reminders are essential for ensuring that your customers and resources (e.g., staff, equipment) are well-prepared and on time for their appointments.

With Slotify, you can set up automated reminders that are sent before a booking starts, reducing no-shows and improving communication.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up reminders in Slotify.

Why Use Booking Reminders?

  • Reduce No-Shows: Timely reminders help prevent customers from forgetting their appointments.
  • Improve Efficiency: Keep resources informed and prepared, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Friendly reminders show that you value your customers' time.

Setting Up Booking Reminders:

  • Click on Workflow menu item from left sidebar.
  • It will take you to Workflow landing page where you can see Add Workflow button.

  • Click on Add Workflow button on top right.
  • You will see add workflow page as seen below. Provide title for your workflow and click on Add Reminder button from the chart.

  • Once you click on Add Reminder link it will open a new section on right side as seen below:

  • Now, provide all mandatory information for your reminder. Once you provide all these details click on save button to save reminder.
  • A workflow can contain many reminders. So if you need more reminders just click on Add Reminder button again.

Add Workflow to Scheduler:

  • Once you created a Workflow it wont work automatically. You need to tie your Workflow to Scheduler.
  • Login to Slotify Admin.
  • Go to Schedulers menu items from the left navbar.
  • Edit your Scheduler and select created workflow from Select Workflow dropdown menu item.
  • Once Workflow is selected click on Save Changes button. Now, anytime a new booking is created using your scheduler you will start receiving your webhook notifications.

Setting up booking reminders in Slotify is a simple yet powerful way to improve customer communication and operational efficiency.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your customers and resources are always informed and prepared for their appointments.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact our support team.