
What is an App in Slotify?

An App in Slotify acts as a container that groups together resources, bookings, and other related data specific to a particular business context. By defining Apps, businesses can effectively segregate their operations, making it easier to manage multiple locations, branches, or types of services within a single Slotify account.

In Slotify, an "App" serves as a core entity that represents different locations or distinct units of a business.

Use Cases for Apps

  • Multiple Locations: For businesses with multiple physical locations, each location can be set up as an individual App. This allows for location-specific scheduling, resource management, and booking flows, ensuring that each location operates independently while still being part of the overall business ecosystem.
  • Departments or Units: Apps can represent different departments within a single location, such as "Customer Service," "Sales," or "Technical Support." This approach helps businesses streamline operations by providing department-specific booking and scheduling management.
  • Separate Business Entities: For businesses that operate under different brands or entities, each can be represented as an App. This allows distinct branding, booking rules, and workflows tailored to each entity while maintaining centralized control.

How Apps Work in Slotify

  • Resource Association: Each App can have its own set of resources (such as staff, rooms, or equipment) associated with it. This ensures that resources are correctly allocated and managed according to the App's context.
  • Booking Management: Bookings within an App are confined to the resources and rules defined for that App, preventing cross-location booking conflicts and maintaining clear operational boundaries.
  • Custom Workflows: Apps allow for customization of workflows, such as specific reminders or webhook triggers, tailored to the needs of the location or entity the App represents.
  • Permissions and Access Control: Apps provide a framework for managing permissions, allowing different levels of access based on roles and responsibilities within the business. This helps ensure that only authorized personnel can manage or view specific Apps.

Why Use Apps?

  • Organization and Scalability: Apps help businesses stay organized, especially as they scale. By clearly defining different operational units or locations as separate Apps, businesses can maintain clarity and control over their scheduling processes.
  • Flexibility: The App structure provides flexibility in how scheduling is managed, allowing businesses to easily adapt to changing needs, such as opening new locations or adding new services.
  • Centralized Management: While Apps provide separation where needed, Slotify's centralized management system allows for easy oversight and reporting across all Apps, giving businesses the ability to monitor and optimize their scheduling operations holistically.

Key Features

Customization: Each app created in Slotify can be tailored to specific needs and requirements. Users can assign unique names to their apps, reflecting the purpose or context they serve.

Isolation: Apps in Slotify operate in isolation from each other. This means that appointments, schedules, and settings within one app do not affect or interfere with those in another app. This provides users with a clear separation of different scheduling environments, ensuring organization and clarity.

Authorization: Access to app-related endpoints is tightly controlled through token-based authentication. Owners of apps possess a special owner token, which grants them the authority to create, update, and delete apps. Additionally, each app is associated with its unique token, providing secure access to its functionalities.

Use Cases

Businesses: Slotify apps are ideal for businesses operating in various domains, such as healthcare, education, consulting, and more. Each department or service within a business can have its dedicated app, streamlining appointment management and enhancing productivity.

Personal Use: Individuals can leverage Slotify apps to organize their personal schedules effectively. Whether managing appointments for work, family, hobbies, or social events, the ability to create distinct apps allows for efficient organization and time management.


Organization: Apps provide a structured framework for organizing appointments, schedules, and related information. Users can keep different aspects of their lives or businesses separate and well-managed.

Flexibility: With the ability to create multiple apps, users have the flexibility to adapt Slotify to their specific needs. Whether managing multiple businesses, departments, or personal endeavors, Slotify apps offer versatility and customization.

Security: Slotify employs robust authentication mechanisms to ensure the security of app-related data. Token-based authentication and authorization mechanisms protect sensitive information and ensure that only authorized users can access and manipulate app data.


Slotify uses token-based authentication to secure its API endpoints. Each user has a personal token for authentication purposes. Additionally, users can create multiple apps within Slotify, each identified by a unique token.

Obtaining Tokens

Owner Token: The owner token is a base64-encoded string containing the user's email and personal token. This token is used to create and manage apps. To obtain the owner token, concatenate the user's email and personal token, then encode the string using base64.

Using Tokens

Bearer Token: To authenticate requests to app-related endpoints, include the owner token in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. The request must also include an Accept header specifying the content type.

  • curl
Authorization: Bearer 
Accept: application/json

Rate Limits

The Apps API is subject to rate limits to ensure fair usage and optimal performance. Please refer to the rate limiting section of the pricing tier for more details on how to manage your API usage effectively.