
Standard Responses and Errors 

In the world of API integration, understanding how to interpret responses and handle errors is crucial for building robust and reliable applications.

In this article, we'll explore the standard responses and error handling mechanisms provided by Slotify's API, empowering developers to effectively interact with our platform.

Standard Responses:

Slotify's API follows industry best practices for standard responses, ensuring consistency and clarity in communication between clients and servers. Here's what you can expect from our API responses:

200OkEverything went well
201CreatedNew entity has been created
400Bad RequestValidation Errors
401UnauthorizedInvalid Credentials or Token
500Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong with server

By understanding Slotify's standard responses and error handling mechanisms, developers can build resilient and reliable applications that interact seamlessly with our API.

Whether you're processing successful responses or gracefully handling errors, our API is designed to provide clear and actionable feedback, empowering you to create exceptional experiences for your users.