

Pagination is used in the Slotify API to efficiently handle large datasets by dividing them into smaller, manageable pages. This documentation provides an overview of how pagination works in the Slotify API and how you can utilize it in your applications.

Response Structure

When making requests to endpoints that support pagination, the API returns a response containing the following pagination-related fields:

  1. data: An array containing the actual data items for the current page
  2. perPage: The maximum number of data items returned per page.
  3. currentPage: The current page number.
  4. total: The total number of data items across all pages.
  5. totalPages: The total number of pages available.

Sample Response

  • json
    "data": [],
    "perPage": 25,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "total": 0,
    "totalPages": 0

Using Pagination

When making requests to retrieve paginated data, you can include additional query parameters to control pagination:

  1. page: Specifies the page number to retrieve. Default is 1.
  2. limit: Specifies the number of data items per page. Default is 25.

Example Request

To retrieve the second page of data with 10 items per page, you can make the following request:

  • bash
GET /v1/apps?page=2&limit=10

The response will contain the requested page of data along with pagination information, allowing you to navigate through the dataset efficiently.


Pagination in the Slotify API allows you to manage large datasets effectively by breaking them into smaller, manageable pages. By understanding how pagination works and utilizing the provided pagination parameters, you can retrieve the data you need efficiently while ensuring optimal performance.

For further assistance or detailed documentation on specific endpoints, refer to the Slotify API documentation or contact our support team.